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 Sonneillon, coder/admin

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Posts : 7
Join date : 2009-11-29
Age : 32
Location : New York

Sonneillon, coder/admin Empty
PostSubject: Sonneillon, coder/admin   Sonneillon, coder/admin I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 29, 2009 5:13 am

Name in Real Life: Brett

In Game Name: Sonneillon

Age: 17

County/State : NY

Interest in Servers: Hey, I just want to help out a friend with his server. 2 things I am going to do for the server:
1: Do a little bit of coding for Tom ( Like simple things )
2: Keep the server in check by taking care of cheaters/glitchers/flamers

Details: I am currently working on my own server but I am not giving the client out to anyone because I do not want to get players by stealing from another server. I believe it's just wrong to do any of that crap, anyways I hope you all enjoy my company. I am Tom's (Coder tom) friend, we have been friends for about 1 year. We met on a server that I was co-owner on and ever since we have been very good friends.

Also, I will be on for a daily basis.
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